01 The Concept.

My love for collage inspired this project. I was creating a  collage project and hit a roadblock because I had a few ideas of where I wanted a certain cut-out to go, and once I stuck it, I couldn't move it. I got to thinking, what if  I could take the physical pieces of paper and make them move through multiple different layouts? 

When I was given the opportunity to create the visualizer for her name was four, the final song on the album TWO+, I was immediately reminded of this idea. 


02 The Process.

I spent the first few weeks of this project going to old book stores and thrift shops, collecting old prints and magazines. I then cut out the pages that caught my eye and created digital copies using a scanner. Using photoshop, I cut and edited these images to be used in a collage.

I filmed the actions I wanted to animate and edited the footage in  Adobe Premier. Using this footage I created a few rotoscoped frame-by-frame animations.  These animations were drawn using procreate and edited in Adobe AfterEffects.


03 The Final Video.

The final composition was animated and edited using Adobe AfterEffects. 


Song: her name was four

Artists: KAI, Keyboard Dog, Lindsay Masterson